An unprecedented project, masterminded by Edouard Notte, language and literature academic assistant at the University of Edinburgh, the Benoît Peeters professorial chair will be inaugurated on 14 October at the University of Lancaster.
The professorial chair of the famous cartoonist Benoît Peeters, the first of its kind, is being inaugurated at the opening night of the "Lakes International Comic Art Festival".
As a specialist of Hergé, Benoît Peeters will be covering the Belgian comic strip scene as a whole, as well as his collaborations with François Schuiten.
On 17 October, Benoit Peeters will be giving his inaugural lecture at the University of Lancaster, at 6 p.m., on the theme of "Comic Art: An Introduction"
Contact: Julie Tait - julie@comicartfestival.com